DismissMyKeyboard ascunde tastatura iPhone-ului tau cu o simpla comanda

  DismissMyKeyboard este un tweak lansat in aceasta seara in Cydia, el fiind conceput special pentru iPhone si iPod Touch. Daca pe tableta iPad Apple a implementat un sistem de inchidere a tastaturii prin simpla apasare a unui buton, pe iPhone si iPod Touch nu exista asa ceva, insa acest tweak ne vine in ajutor. Instaland tweak-ul si facand un swipe dinspre butonul Space spre butonul Return vom ascunde imediat tastatura iDevice-ului nostru, ea fiind readusa in prim-plan prin apasarea pe o casuta de introducere a textelor.

Unlike the ipad the iphone doesn’t have a button to dismiss the keyboard, this little tweak will allow you to dismiss the keyboard,by swiping from the “space” key to the “return” key.if “SwipeSelection” tweak is installed, swipe from the “space” key to the “return” key and press the return key again to dismiss the keyboard. if “SwipeSelection” is not installed just swipe from the “space” key to the “return” key to dismiss the keyboard.

  DismissMyKeyboard este util doar pe iPhone/iPod Touch, iar in Cydia il gasiti gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss.

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