CEO-ul Beats a incercat acum 10 ani sa il convinga pe Steve Jobs sa lanseze un serviciu de streaming audio

  Jimmy Iovine este CEO-ul Beats Audio, companiile care produce deja celebrele casti audio Beats, iar intr-un interviu dat ieri a discutat despre relatia sa cu Apple si Steve Jobs. Acum un deceniu, Iovine a incercat sa il convinga pe Steve Jobs sa lanseze un serviciu de streaming audio inca din perioada anilor 2002 – 2003, insa dupa 3 ani de discutii si tatonari, Steve Jobs nu a dorit sa dezvolte aceste serviciu, principala problema fiind comisionul oferit caselor de discuri, jobs considerand ca el trebuie sa fie mic si ca eventual casele il vor accepta.

In 2002, 2003, Doug asked me to go up to Apple and see Steve. So I met him and we hit it off right away. We were really close. We did some great marketing stuff together: 50 Cent, Bono, Jagger, stuff for the iPod — we did a lot of stuff together. But I was always trying to push Steve into subscription. And he wasn’t keen on it right away. [Beats co-founder] Luke Wood and I spent about three years trying to talk him into it. He was there, not there … he didn’t want to pay the record companies enough. He felt that they would come down, eventually. I don’t know what [Apple media head] Eddy Cue would say — I’m seeing him soon — but I think in the end Steve was feeling it, but the economics …he wanted to pay the labels [for subscriptions], but [the fees were] not going to be acceptable to them.

  Desi nu a reusit atunci sa convinga Apple a lanseze un serviciu de streaming, acum compania sa va lansa unul nu propriudezvoltat sub brandul Project Daisy si Mog. Desi Iovine a colaborat cu Apple in multe proiecte, se pare ca  in acele momente totul nu era potrivit pentru Steve Jobs, insa asta nu inseamna ca Apple-ul de acum nu ar fi pregatit pentru o colaborare extinsa cu Beats Audio in ceea ce priveste serviciile de streaming audio.

This post was last modified on ian. 11, 2013, 8:48 AM 08:48

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