Photo Organizer te ajuta sa redenumesti, sa muti sau sa reorganizezi pozele si clipurile video disponibile in iDevice-ul tau

  Photo Organizer este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei seri in Cydia, iar el ne permite sa reorganizam pozele si clipurile video disponibile in iDevice-urile noastre. Tweak-ul ne da posibilitatea de a redenumi pozele si clipurile video din aplicatia Camera Roll, ne da posibilitatea de a le rearanja in orice ordine dorim noi, ne ajuta sa copiem pozele dintr-un album in altul fara ca fisierele sa apara duplicate in fiecare album in parte, ne da posibilitatea sa le mutam in acelasi mod si desigur ne permite sa stergem albumele disponibile in Camera Roll.

Ever wonder what makes the Camera Roll so special that you can’t move it around, rename it, or freely move photos in and out of it? With Photo Organizer, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Key features:

  • Reorder photos/videos in any album (including the Camera Roll)
  • Delete items from the Camera Roll without removing them from other albums
  • Copy items to and from any album without duplicating the files themselves
  • Move and rename the Camera Roll
  • Swipe across photo albums to delete them

In principle, it’s also possible to delete the Camera Roll entirely, but because iOS will no longer import photos into the Photos.app if there’s no Camera Roll, I have removed this capability.

  Photo Organizer este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

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