Tim Cook nu a dorit sa actioneze Samsung in judecata

  Tim Cook este CEO al companiei Apple din luna august a anului 2011 si sub conducerea sa compania pare sa devina mai prospera si mai populara decat sub conducerea lui Steve Jobs. Cook si Jobs n-au avut intotdeauna opinii similare in legatura cu modul in care trebuie condusa Apple, iar acest lucru s-a observat

si cand a fost adusa in discutie actionarea in judecata a companiei Samsung care copia design-ul iDevice-urilor si dezvolta smartphone-uri sau tablete proprii.

Tim Cook, Jobs’ successor as Apple chief executive, was opposed to suing Samsung in the first place, according to people with knowledge of the matter, largely because of that company’s critical role as a supplier of components for the iPhone and the iPad. Apple bought some $8 billion worth of parts from Samsung last year, analysts estimate…Apple’s worst fears were confirmed with the early 2011 release of the Galaxy Tab, which Jobs and others regarded as a clear rip-off of the iPad.

Cook, worried about the critical supplier relationship, was opposed to suing Samsung. But Jobs had run out of patience, suspecting that Samsung was counting on the supplier relationship to shield it from retribution. Apple filed suit in April 2011, and the conflagration soon spread to courts in Europe, Asia and Australia. When Apple won its blockbuster billion-dollar jury verdict against Samsung last August, it appeared that it might be able to achieve an outright ban on the offending products – which would have dramatically altered the smartphone competition.

  Desi Steve Jobs dorea un razboi legal impotriva Android-ului si a copiatorilor, Tim Cook nu a dorit sa dea in judecata Samsung, in principal din cauza faptului ca fabricile coreenilor produceau multe componente disponibile in iDevice-uri. Decizia de a da in judecata Samsung a venit la inceputul anului 2011 cand Samsung a prezentat Galaxy Tab-ul, o tableta care seamana mult prea bine cu iPad, iar Jobs a decis sa intenteze primele procese. De acolo totul a degenerat in zeci de procese intentate la nivel global si distrugerea relatiei dintre Samsung si Apple, o relatie pe care coreenii se bazau ca ii va apara impotriva actiunilor americanilor.

The memory market in 2005 was extremely unstable, and Apple wanted to lock in a supplier that was rock-solid financially, people familiar with the relationship said. Samsung held about 50 percent of the NAND flash memory market at that time. “Whoever controls flash is going to control this space in consumer electronics,” Jobs said at the time, according to a source familiar with the discussions.

  Decizia de a colabora cu Samsung de la bun inceput a venit in momentul in care Apple a luat decizia de a utiliza nand flash in iDevice-uri, coreenii controland jumatate din piata globala a acestor dispozitive. In final decizia de a colabora cu ei nu a fost una feritica, iar acum Tim Cook nu mai poate opri procesele pe care Jobs le-a pornit.

This post was last modified on feb. 10, 2013, 5:54 PM 17:54

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