iPhone-ul este disponibil doar pentru 50% din abonatii operatorilor de telefonie mobila de pe glob

  In cadrul conferintei Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference de astazi, Tim Cook a afirmat ca iPhone-ul este disponibil in oferte operatorilor de telefonie mobila care acopera doar jumatate din numarul abonatilor retelelelor de telefonie mobila de pe glob. Indisponibilitatea terminalului in reteaua celui mai mare operator de telefonie mobila din lume, China Mobile, este o problema destul de mare pentru Apple, insa compania lucreaza la rezolvarea problemei si accesarea unei baze de peste 700 de milioane de utilizatori ar putea genera incasari foarte mari pentru americani.

I believe on a longer-term basis, all phones will be smartphones. There are a lot more people in the world than the 1.4 billion people who own smartphones already out there. I see this as being one of the best markets of all time. We have enormous momentum. That 500millin iPhones sold was from 2007 to the end of last year. 40% of that happened last year! There’s incredible momentum there that in a tiny amount of time we built an ecosystem that is the best user experience on the oplanet, and a major economic market for developers. We’ve paid $8 billion to developers.

iPhone is only available to 50% of subscribers in the world. Frankly speaking, I see a wide open field.

This post was last modified on feb. 12, 2013, 6:28 PM 18:28

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