Tim Cook sustine ca experienta de utilizare este mai importanta decat specificatiile tehnice, iPhone-ul cu ecran mare ar putea ajunge candva pe piata

  Daca urmariti produsele lansate de catre compania Apple de-a lungul anilor, atunci sigur ati observat ca in Cupertino nu se pune foarte mare accent pe dezvoltarea de produse cu specificatii tehnice pompoase, asa cum se intampla in cazul producatorilor de terminale Android. Apple dezvolta produse cu specificatii tehnice aparent nu foarte spectaculoase, insa performantele iDevice-urilor si experienta de utilizare a fost si ramane net superioara celor oferite de catre alte terminale mobile.

I don’t want to say what we will do or won’t do [regarding a larger screen for the iPhone], and so don’t interpret anything I say along those lines. Let me go back and compare it to the PC industry for a minute. The PC industry over the years, the way that companies competed were two things: specs and price. And so people would want to say, “I’ve got the largest drive,” or, “I’ve got the fastest processor,” or in the camera business people began to say, “I’ve got the most megapixels.” The truth is, customers want a great experience, and they want quality. They want that “Aha!” moment each time that they use the product. And that’s rarely a function of any of those things. These are things that technology companies invent because they can’t have a great experience, and so they talk about the spec of something.

  Ieri Tim Cook a reafirmat in cadrul unei conferinte Goldman Sachs acest lucru si a spus ca pentru Apple experienta de utilizare este mai presus de orice. Aceste afirmatii au fost facute dupa ce Tim a fost intrebat daca Apple va lansa un iPhone cu ecran mai mare de 4 inch, CEO-ul Apple evitand sa dea un raspuns clar, semn ca in viitor exista posibilitatea sa vedem un asemenea produs in oferta companiei. Cook a afirmat ca singurul lucru pe care Apple nu il va face sunt produsele proaste, asa ca ne putem astepta la orice.


This post was last modified on feb. 13, 2013, 9:07 AM 09:07

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