iOS 7 – dezvoltarea unei solutii de jailbreak va fi mai dificila, ar putea dura mai mult timp

  In aceasta seara planetbeing a organizat o sesiune de intrebari si raspunsuri pe reddit, hackerul echipei Evad3rs oferind cateva raspunsuri interesante pentru intrebarile utilizatorilor. Fiind intrebat cum vor evolua solutiile de jailbreak in viitor, hackerul a afirmat ca pentru iOS 7 o solutie de jailbreak va fi dezvoltata mai greu si probabil va necesita mai mult timp. Hackerii au in momentul de fata o solutie de jailbreak bazata pe exploit-uri inca nelansate si se vor utiliza de ea pentru a descoperi vulnerabilitati in iOS 7

, insa chiar si asa vor avea nevoie de mult noroc pentru a putea produce un software public.

  In ciuda tuturor lamentarilor care vor avea loc in viitor, solutiile de jailbreak reprezinta o afacere atat pentru hackeri, cat si pentru Cydia, iar un magazin precum Cydia nu poate rezista fara jailbreak, deci se vor investi destui bani in exploatarea iOS-ului in viitor.

It’s hard to say. Apple has successfully mitigated many vectors of attack in iOS 6. In this current jailbreak, we “evaded” Apple’s mitigations in the userland with several vulnerabilities I would perhaps characterize as “lame”, since these mistakes are a throwback to earlier days of iOS jailbreaking where we primarily used filesystem tricks. We only attacked Apple’s hardened security head-on in the kernel. “Lame” vulnerabilities tend to be hard to find, however, so it’s likely the next jailbreak will be tougher. That said, we also retain a few tricks that may or may not help in the future. Who knows what the weight of each factor should be when trying to determine how long the next jailbreak will take.

I think the ship has sailed for Apple to consider shipping an open iOS. The furthest they might have gone was perhaps allowing you to unlock the bootloader like the Google Nexus phones. However, I don’t think they currently have a compelling reason to.

This post was last modified on feb. 14, 2013, 10:04 PM 22:04

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