exxOS 5 – o tema interesanta pentru iDevice-ul tau

  exxOS 5 este o noua tema pentru iDevice-urile noastre, ea permitandu-ne sa modificam complet aspectul Springboard-ului terminalelor si nu numai. Tema functioneaza cu ajutorul platformei Dreamboard, iar daca priviti imaginea de mai sus veti observa modul in care vor fi reordonate toate elemente Springboard-ului dupa instalarea sa. Tema are implementat un sidebar in care aveti listate principalele categorii de aplicatii din iDevice-ul vostru, ea functioneaza cu ajutorul SBSettings-ului si a unei interfate care permite afisarea unui calculator si a unui music player nou, lockscreen-ul si interfata anumitor aplicatii native fiind desigur modificate.

exxOS 5 is a brand new DreamBoard theme designed by bluemetal, and coded by korbyn8495 especially for the iPhone 5 and iPod Touch 5th Generation. The theme features a unique organization, that uses a sidebar to scroll through major categories. The theme also includes an SBSettings UI, Calculator UI, Music Player UI, 45 hand designed icons, a lockscreen UI, complete weather widget with date and local temperatures and times, and the ability to display a custom picutre and name! The theme will also include several more major updates adding new features and graphics!

  Tema este compatibila cu iPhone 5 si iPod Touch 5G, deocamdata, iar in Cydia o gasiti in repo-ul ModMyi, dar trebuie sa o achizitionati.

ATTENTION! To edit icons, tap and hold on the PREVIEW of the theme from DreamBoard, until the box with the edit button pops up. An edit button will be added in the next version. For questions on how to change the user name, and custom picture, and weather location, visit the ModMyi thread. iPhone 4S/iPod Touch 4th Generation version coming soon!

This post was last modified on feb. 21, 2013, 11:28 AM 11:28

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