Playstation 4 va extinde functionalitatea jocurilor pe ecranele iDevice-urilor

  Aseara cei de la Sony au reusit sa entuziasmeze o lume intreaga intr-un eveniment dedicat consolei Playstation 4, care in final nu a fost prezentata de vreunul dintre angajatii Sony. Chiar si asa, viitoarea consola atrage foarte mult interes din partea fanilor, iar compania Sony anunta ca psoesorii de iDevice-uri, si terminale Android, vor putea extinde gameplay-ul pe ecranele propriilor terminale. Cu ajutorul unei aplicatii din App Store, Playstation 4 va afisa pe ecranele terminalelor mobile harti ale jocurilor, elemente sociale, optiunea de a accesa magazinul online Sony, sau cine stie ce altceva.

  Aplicatia PlayStation®App va fi lansata in App Store si Google Play impreuna cu noua consola a celor de la Sony, si atunci veti putea afla mai multe despre ceea ce puteti face cu ajutorul ei. Aplicatia este compatibila doar cu aceasta consola is nu se stie deocamdata ce jocuri o vor suporta.

PS4 Second Screens

PS4 integrates second screens, including PlayStation®Vita (PS Vita), smartphones and tablets, to wrap gamers in their favorite content wherever they are. A key feature enabled by second screens is “Remote Play” and PS4 fully unlocks its potential by making PS Vita the ultimate companion device. With PS Vita, gamers will be able to seamlessly pull PS4 titles from their living room TVs and play them on PS Vita’s beautiful 5-inch display and intuitive dual analog sticks over Wi-Fi networks It is SCEI’s long-term vision is to make most PS4 titles playable on PS Vita.

A new application from SCE called “PlayStation®App” will enable iPhone, iPad, and Android based smartphones and tablets to become second screens. Once installed on these devices, users can, for example, see maps on their second screens when playing an adventure game, purchase PS4 games while away from home and download it directly to the console at home, or remotely watch other gamers playing on their devices.

This post was last modified on feb. 21, 2013, 8:39 AM 08:39

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