AssistantEnhancer implementeaza o suita noua de functii pentru Siri

  AssistantEnhancer este un tweak lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau puteti implementa in iOS, pentru Siri, o suita intreaga de functii pe care asistentul celor de la Apple nu le are si probabil nu le va avea prea curand. AssistentEnhancer va permite sa controlati aplicatiile Spotify sau Grooveshark pentru a cauta muzica prin intermediul lor, pentru a face playlist-uri, pentru a rula melodiile preferate, sau penru a cauta pe internet versurile melodiilor favorite, ori a celor care ruleaza intr-una dintre cele doua aplicatii.

Compatible with iOS 5 and 6. Requires Siri capability. AssistantEnhancer picks up where Apple left off with Siri by addressing some of their glaring oversights and adding a slew of new features. Not everyone uses the default music app which Siri is limited to controlling. AssistantEnhancer integrates Spotify, Grooveshark, and even Pandora with Siri to allow access to a nearly endless supply of music. Tell Siri to play your favorite Spotify playlist, create a station for your artist of choice on Pandora, play one of the millions of songs Grooveshark and Spotify have access to, or dozens of other commands. In addition, you can conveniently search for a song’s lyrics or get the lyrics to the song you’re listening to.

  Lasand muzica la o parte, tweak-ul implementeaza in iOS posibilitatea de a cauta informatii despre evenimentele care au loc in preajma voastra, si de achizitiona bilete pentru ele, daca va aflati intr-o tara civilizata. Tweak-ul implementeaza totodata optiunea de a cauta informatii pe Amazon, Google Images, eBay sau chiar App Store

, totul fiind mult mai util decat simplele cautari facute prin intermediul Wolfram Alpha. La final dezvoltatorul tweak-ului a implementat si o functie care ne permite sa folosim Siri pentru a marca pe harta locatia in care ne-am parcat masina si pentru a fi directionati catre ea, avem optiunea de a deschide pagini web prin simpla rostire a domeniului lor, avem optiunea de a apela numerele de urgenta, iar la final putem afla informatii despre statusul bateriei, spatiul de stocare disponibil sau chiar cantitatea de memorie ram libera.

One feature that Google Now has that Siri doesn’t is the ability to search for local events. That is no longer the case with AssistantEnhancer. Tell Siri to “Find concerts happening next weekend” and you’ll be presented with a list of concerts and a convenient way to buy tickets. But it doesn’t stop with concerts; you can search for any event, from hiking groups to book readings. Siri is a powerful tool to acquire information, but lacks some obvious abilities. AssistantEnhancer adds several new ways to search, including Amazon, Ebay, Google Images, Urban Dictionary, and even the App Store. Tell Siri to “Search iPhone on Amazon” and you are instantly brought to a page of results, ask her to search “YOLO” on urban dictionary and you will be given a definition, say “Show me a picture of a chipmunk” and instantly get a picture from Google Images, or tell her to search Angry Birds on the app store and be given a list of apps and a convenient way to download them.

  AssistantEnhancer este disponibil la pretul de 1.99$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia, insa multe dintre functiile noi ar putea fi indisponibile in Romania. Daca va hotarati sa utilizati tweak-ul, atunci in aceasta pagina aveti listate toate comenzile pe care le puteti rosti.

Siri should fit into your life as a utility but many of its small annoyances inhibit that from happening. With AssistantEnhancer you can now tell Siri to remember where you parked and then retrieve directions when you need to get back to your car, navigate to popular websites by name eg. “Go to 9to5mac”, be brought to webpages directly instead of wasting time searching them first like Siri wants to, get today’s XKCD comic, and even bypass Apple’s ban on calling 911 and other emergency numbers. In addition, you can ask Siri about your device and get information about your battery, storage space, and even free your device’s memory.

This post was last modified on feb. 22, 2013, 9:35 AM 09:35

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