UPDATE – iOS 6.1.3 beta 2 blocheza untethered jailbreak-ul facut prin evasi0n

  iOS 6.1.3 beta 2 a fost lansat saptamana trecuta de catre Apple, iar planetbeing nu a spus absolut nimic in legatura cu posibilitatea de a exploata noua versiune a iOS folosind evasi0n. Tacerea sa a avut un scop, cel al publicitatii, iar intr-un interviu acordat Forbes, el a afirmat ca iOS 6.1.3 beta 2 rezolva cel putin unul dintre cele 5 buguri utilizate in evasi0n, mai exact cel care exploata sistemul timezone-ului. Practic evasi0n nu va mai functiona cand iOS 6.1.3 va fi oficial lansat, chiar daca Apple blocheaza doar un singur bug.

Wang tells me that he’s analyzed the 6.1.3 beta 2 update and found that it patches at least one of the five bugs the jailbreak exploits, namely a flaw in the operating system’s time zone settings. The beta update likely signals the end of using evasi0n to hack new or updated devices after the update is released to users, says Wang, who says he’s still testing the patch to see which other vulnerabilities exploited by the jailbreak might no longer exist in the new operating system. “If one of the vulnerabilities doesn’t work, evasi0n doesn’t work,” he says. “We could replace that part with a different vulnerability, but [Apple] will probably fix most if not all of the bugs we’ve used when 6.1.3 comes out.”

  Nu ma asteptam ca Apple sa blocheze atat de repede solutia de jailbreak pentru iOS 6

si puteti fi siguri ca pana la lansarea oficiala a iOS 7 nu vom vedea o alta solutie de jailbreak, mai ales ca noul sistem de operare ar putea ajunge la utilizatori chiar in iunie.

UPDATE: Conform lui i0n1c, iOS 6.1.3 beta 2 blocheaza un al doilea exploit utilizat in aceasta solutie de jailbreak. Desi planetbeing a declarat ca Evad3rs inca au exploit-uri de jailbreak prin care pot exploata iOS 6, ei nu vor face acest lucru, preferand sa pastreze acele exploit-uri pentru iOS 7, dupa cum v-am spus deja in acest articol.

So iOS 6.1.3 beta 2 also fixes the overlapping segment attack against dyld used in evasi0n

This post was last modified on feb. 25, 2013, 10:07 PM 22:07

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