Buddy un nou smartwatch pentru smartphone-uri (Video)

  Buddy este proiectul unui nou smartwatch care cere finantare prin intermediul serviciului Indigogo, iar in clipul video de mai sus aveti o scurta prezentare a sa. Ceasul are doar 8 mm grosime, are touchscreen, memorie interna de 8 GB, are un design interesant si poate sa faca destule lucruri. In afara afisarii notificarilor direct din smartphone, ceasul poate initia apeluri, poate controla aplicatiile de muzica, poate afisa informatii pentru navigatie turn-by-turn, poate afisa poze si aparent are o autonomie de 10 zile.

Show notifications displayed on your smartphone.
Allow you to control your smartphone (initiate calls, control music…) 
Receive and display data from your smartphone (turn by turn navigation…) 
Display smartphone content (pictures…)Your smartphone and the VEA BUDDY connect with Bluetooth… 

  Un asemenea dispozitiv ar urma sa coste aproximativ 150$ daca intregul proiect va fi finantat, iar pentru inceput el se anunta a fi foarte interesant.

  • TIME: time taken from the smartphone
  • CALLS: the watch vibrates and shows who is calling(if the caller is in our smartphone phonebook) or shows the caller’s phone number. You can accept or refuse the call. If you accept the call, just pick up your smartphone. Received calls, missed calls and calls send lists are displayed as well.Calls can be initiated via Bluetooth.
  • TEXT MESSAGE: when a new message is received, the watch vibrates, and the message can optionally be displayed.
  • MMS: when a new multimedia message is received, the watch vibrates and the message can optionally be displayed.
  • EMAILS: when a new email is received, the watch vibrates, your inbox is displayed and you can select the email to read it.
  • CALENDAR: When a calendar event is due shortly, the watch vibrates and the event is displayed.
  • PHOTOS: Display the photos from you smartphone gallery.
  • MUSIC: Remotely control all your smartphone music features.
  • GPS: Display all GPS features from your smartphone.
  • FACEBOOK: Display all notifications from Facebook.
  • TWITTER: Display all notifications.
  • UPDATE: the watch can be updated using the USB port located at the end of the band.

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