Animer iti permite sa implementezi animatii pentru notificari si task switcher, este disponibil in Cydia (Video)

  Zilele trecute v-am spus ca un nou tweak numit Animer urmeaza sa fie lansat in Cydia, iar el ne va permite sa adaugam o serie de animatii interesante pentru notificarile Push primite pe iDevice-uri, dar si pentru task switcher. Versiunea disponibila acum in Cydia nu aduce vreo noutate separata fata de tot ceea ce v-am prezentat eu in articolul anterior, iar tweak-ul are in continuare un meniu de setari, disponibil in aplicatia Settings a iOS, prin care puteti administra modul in care functioneaza.

Requires iOS 6 or higher. Animer provides you with countless choices to animate your iOS device. Everyone gets a bit bored with iOS, and Animer will liven things up for you. Animer will allow you to choose between slide, fade, and zoom animations for your notification banners, multitasking switcher, and multiple bounce and fade animations for your alerts. Animer can be configured from its own personal panel in your Settings.app!

  Animer este disponibil la pretul de 0.99$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia si il puteti accesa urmand acest link.

This post was last modified on mart. 1, 2013, 8:43 AM 08:43

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