Apple incearca sa breveteze o husa Smart Cover cu baterie care incarca tabletele iPad wireless

  Tehnologia incarcarii fara fir pare sa devina din ce in ce mai atractiva pentru compania Apple, o noua cerere pentru un brevet de inventie descriind o husa Smart Cover cu baterie care incarca tabletele iPad wireless. Sistemul celor de la Apple ar permite incarcarea prin inductie a tabletelor iPad fie utilizand o baterie inclusa in huse, fie tragand curentul dintr-o alta sursa, cel mai probabil un alt dispozitiv care ar genera un camp de incarcare. Metoda ar permite posesorilor de tablete sa isi incarce dispozitivele folosind o husa pe care o utilizeaza oricum pentru a bloca/debloca tableta, ori pentru a o fixa in landscape/portrait mode.

In the described embodiments, the body portion includes an inductive power transmitter arranged to wirelessly pass power to a corresponding inductive power receiver unit disposed within the tablet device by inductively coupling, at least a first magnetic element, and at least a second magnetic element used to secure the body portion to the display in a closed configuration. The cover has the usual magnetic attachments and embedded Hall Effect sensor that auto-wakes and sleeps an iPad, but instead of the usual layered padding, the segmented body contains battery cells and necessary wireless charging circuitry.

  Ca sa fiu sincer, ideea celor de  la Apple nu se diferentiaza foarte mult de sistemele brevetate de catre alte companii pentru incarcarea prin inductie, singura diferenta stand in faptul ca Smart Cover-ul ar putea avea o baterie inclusa. Cred ca un produs de acest gen fabricat de catre Apple ar putea avea foarte mare succes, mai ales ca husele Smart Cover genereaza deja miliarde de dolari pentru compania din CUpertino, iar includerea posibilitatii de incarcare wireless ar genera doar o crestere in vanzari.

In order to facilitate efficient power transfer, the primary induction transmitter and corresponding receiver in the iPad would be placed as closed together as possible. The patent makes use of the Smart Cover’s existing magnet tech, which leverages the unique properties of specialized magnets to “automatically” align the cover with the iPad’s display. A property previously covered by AppleInsider describes how the installation of magnets, arranged according to a pattern of alternating polarities, within the Smart Cover’s hinge mechanism and iPad body makes it virtually impossible to misalign the two assemblies.

This post was last modified on mart. 14, 2013, 1:13 PM 13:13

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