AudioRecorder ( CallRecorder ) revine in Cydia, iti permite sa inregistrezi apeluri telefonice facute folosind un iPhone

  CallRecorder ( AudioRecorder acum) este primul tweak din Cydia care ne permitea sa inregistram apeluri telefonice facute folosind iPhone-urile noastre. Tweak-ul a fost retras de catre dezvoltator din cauza problemelor legale, iar in acest articol v-am explicat toata problema. In ciuda retragerii, tweak-ul a reaparut in cursul acestei nopti in Cydia, repo-ul ModMyi fiind cel care si-a facut curajul de a il sustine. Acum e putin probabil ca tweak-ul sa mai dispara din Cydia, desi nu multa lume este multumita de functionalitatea sa.

  In momentul de fata tweak-ul este disponibil cu denumirea CallRecorder in Cydia, insa dezvoltatorul sau sustine ca numele trebuia sa fie AudioRecorder si ca exista o eventuala alta problema in versiunea disponibila acolo. Problemele se vor rezolva in curand si voi veti putea descarca gratuit tweak-ul, insa pentru a il utiliza veti fi nevoiti sa cumparati o licenta. Tweak-ul avertizeaza interlocutorii vostri in momentul in care initiati inregistrarea unei conversatii, iar dezvoltatorul sustine ca nu va elimina aceasta functie a sa.

  Inainte sa inchei va reamintesc faptul ca tweak-ul functioneaza doar cu iPhone 5 si iPhone 4S, iar in cazul celui din urma puteti inregistra conversatii doar daca le comutati pe speaker.

Record regular phone calls directly on your iPhone. Audio Recorder, the so anticipated tweak for iPhone , has come to prove it was possible! With Audio Recorder, you can record the phone calls you need to listen to later, such as business calls, appointment arrangements, doctor notes etc and you can store them locally on your iPhone. You can then play them, send them to your email or delete them. The remote party hears a warning voice message that the call will be recorded at the beginning of your recording. (This cannot be disabled, since the other party’s consent is necessary by law in many countries and it will never be removed from this application, so please do not ask for the removal of this feature). Audio Recorder does not use a remote server to store your calls, like other apps use as a workaround. It records the telephony service voice data directly on the device! There is no need for an internet connection when you record a call. Although Audio Recorder automatically notifies the other party that the call is being recorded, you should be aware that recording call conversations without the other party’s consent is illegal in many countries. Check to comply with your country’s laws before buying or using this application. The developer or the seller take no responsibility if you use this application in any way that would result in breaking the law. Currently, on iPhone4S devices it only works when you switch to Speaker while in a call. The application currently works only on iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 devices. An update will be posted in a later time to support older devices as well.

This post was last modified on apr. 11, 2013, 8:57 AM 08:57

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