Laurene Powell Jobs vorbeste despre mostenirea lasata de fostul sau sot in cadrul Apple si nu numai (Video)

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  Laurene Powell Jobs este sotia regretatului CEO AppleSteve Jobs, iar intr-un prim interviu dat dupa decesul sotului sau vorbeste despre mostenirea lasata de catre acesta in cadrul Apple si nu numai. Ea spune ca produsele Apple din lumea intreaga reprezinta cea mai mare mostenire lasata de catre Jobs, dorinta sa fiind de a aduce utilizatorilor produse high-end pe care oricine le poate utiliza. Separat de mostenirea lasata lumii, ea vorbeste despre mostenirea lasata familiei si despre modul in care a schimbat Steve Jobs lumea in care traim, clipul video de mai sus prezentand totul.

I think Steve has a public legacy and a private legacy. In the public we see the products that he created that he cared so deeply about, that changed all of our lives, the way that we function and communicate. What he wanted to do in his life was create tools that allowed people to work at the highest levels, and I think he did that. So that legacy is beautiful for me to live with. His private legacy with me and the kids is that of husband and father and we miss him everyday.

This post was last modified on apr. 15, 2013, 5:58 PM 17:58

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