Jurnalistii apropiati Apple primesc vouchere care le permit sa descarce gratuit 100 de melodii din iTunes


  V-am spus saptamana aceasta ca iTunes Store implineste un deceniu de la infiintare si ca Apple a conceput o pagina speciala pentru a marca evenimentul. Ei bine pagina aceea nu este singurul lucru pe care il face Apple, compania americana oferindu-le jurnalistilor apropiati si un voucher prin care acestia pot descarca gratuit 100 de melodii din iTunes

. Cele 100 de melodii au fost alese de catre Apple, iar pachetul primit de catre jurnalisti vine impreuna cu un mesaj de la Eddy Cue, SVP-ul care conduce divizia ce administreaza serviciile de internet ale Apple.

When Apple introduced the iTunes Store on April 28, 2003, we thought if consumers had a great, legal way to download music they would embrace it — did they ever. Apple was floored, as were the labels, when customers bought over 1 million songs during the first week. And now, 10 years later, we continue to be amazed by how much customers love the iTunes Store, with more than 25 billion songs sold.

Apple loves music and strives to provide customers with the most innovative features and services on iTunes. We are all very proud of having such an incredible selection of legendary musicians on the iTunes Store and take great pride in exposing music fans to new and emerging artists.

We’ve put together a compilation of 100 songs that represents milestones throughout the history of iTunes and shows just how far we’ve come. I’d like to thank our customers, label partners, and artists for being part of such an incredible decade.

–Eddy Cue

This post was last modified on apr. 27, 2013, 8:44 AM 08:44

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