WeatherUnderground for Notification Center afiseaza informatii detaliate despre vreme in Notifications Center

  WeatherUnderground for Notification Center este un nou widget facut special pentru utilizatorii care obisnuiesc sa vizualizeze in mod constant informatii despre vreme, el aducand in Notifications Center o interfata extrem de utila pentru ei. Daca va uitati la imaginea de maisus veti observa ca widget-ul afiseaza in Notifications Center cam tot ceea ce v-ati dori sa aflati de la o aplicatie pentru iDevice-uri si vorbim despre temperatura la anumite ore din zi, informatii despre umiditate, viteza vantului si o prognoza pentru urmatoarele zile.

This is a Notification Center widget that displays weather information from Weather Underground. To enable the widget and set your preferences, go to Settings/Notifications/Weather Underground. This package will not install an icon to your SpringBoard. To use the widget you will need your own API Key from Weather Underground (this ensures that the app can remain free.) Go to http://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/d/edit.html to create a free API Key. Select the “Anvil Plan” and the “Developer” option. Enter your API Key on the preferences page at Settings/Notifications/Weather Underground.

  Pentru ca widget-ul sa functioneze trebuie sa inregistrati un API Key pe http://www.wunderground.com/weather/api/d/edit.htm folosind Anvil Plan si optiunea Developer, acel API Key fiind introdus apoi in Settings>Notifications>Weather Underground. WeatherUnderground for Notification Center este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on apr. 29, 2013, 8:17 AM 08:17

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