Laurene Powell Jobs se claseaza pe locul 9 in topul celor mai bogate femei de pe glob

  Laurene Powell Jobs este vaduva regretatului Steve Jobs, iar pana in urma cu putin timp ea s-a ferit de ochii presei, preferand sa duca o viata linistita, insa in care a ajutat extrem de multa lume multumita averii fostului sau sot. In momentul decesului, Steve Jobs avea o avere estimata la cateva miliarde de dolari, ea a trecut in posesia sotiei sale si a celor 4 copii, iar in momentul de fata Laurene Powell Jobs se claseaza pe locul 9 in topul celor mai bogate femei de pe glob.

While some people said Ms. Powell Jobs should have started a foundation in Mr. Jobs’s name after his death, she did not, nor has she increased her public giving. Instead, she has redoubled her commitment to Emerson Collective, the organization she formed about a decade ago to make grants and investments in education initiatives and, more recently, other areas.  Still, the fortune she inherited, making her the world’s ninth wealthiest woman, according to the Bloomberg billionaires index, has catapulted her into the upper echelon of global philanthropists. And that has led to certain expectations. Ms. Powell Jobs has a net worth estimated at $11.5 billion, according to Bloomberg, most of it in shares of the Walt Disney Company.

  Laurene Powell Jobs are o avere estimata la 11.5 miliarde de dolari, majoritatea fiind oferita de catre valoarea actiunilor detinute in cadrul companiei Walt Disney. Folosindu-se de enormele resurse financiare pe care le are la dispozitie, Laurene a intrat in randul filantropilor, ajuta in principal organizatii care sustin activitatea academica, insa dupa moartea sotului sau nu a creat o fundatie cu numele lui si nu a crescut sumele oferite anual in scopuri caritabile.

This post was last modified on mai 18, 2013, 8:54 AM 08:54

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