PocketNotify te ajuta sa afli daca ai notificari necitite chiar si fara sa te uiti la iDevice-ul tau

  PocketNotify este un tweak disponibil din cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem afla rapid daca avem notificari necitite, chiar si fara a vizualiza ecranul iDevice-ului nostru. Folosindu-se de vibratii, tweak-ul PocketNotify ne spune daca avem notificari necitite, insa din pacate nu le rosteste si din pacate nu putem seta vibratii diferite pentru notificarile primite de la diverse aplicatii. Chiar si asa, tweak-ul ne permite sa aflam daca avem notificari noi fara a verifica in mod constant terminalul, lucru imposibil de facut in alte circumstante.

Check for new notifications without pulling your phone out of your pocket. Use an Activator gesture (like holding a volume button) and your phone will vibrate if you have notifications waiting on your lockscreen. You can discreetly check for new messages without being “that guy” who is always yanking his phone out of his pocket. The vibration works even if you have disabled “Vibrate on Ring/Silent” in Preferences. To start using PocketNotify, to go your Activator preferences, and select a gesture. It makes the most sense to pick a lockscreen-only gesture that involves a physical button, so you can easily activate from your pocket.

  PocketNotify functioneaza cu ajutorul Activator si are nevoie de un gest setat pentru a face verificarea nofiticarilor necitite. Tweak-ul este disponibil la pretul de 1$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on iun. 9, 2013, 9:19 AM 09:19

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