Apple le ofera dezvoltatorilor posibilitatea de a transfera dreptul de proprietate a aplicatiilor

  Una dintre noutatile foarte importante oferite de catre Apple dezvoltatorilor de aplicatii pentru iOS si OS X este sistemul App Transfer. Prin el dezvoltatorii de aplicatii vor avea in sfarsit posibilitatea de a transfera aplicatii dintr-un cont in altul, procedura imposibil de realizat pana acum  de catre orice dezvoltator. Dreptul de proprietate asupra aplicatiei, impreuna cu toate informatiile care au legatura cu ea se transforma de catre Apple noului dezvoltator, Pentru a transfera o aplicatie trebuie sa accesati iTunes Connect

, sa navigati catre meniul Manage Your Apps, sa alegeti aplicatia, si apoi optiunea Transfer App.

Transferring the ownership of an app does not affect the app’s availability on the App Store. All ratings and reviews will be transferred and your customers will continue to have access to all available app updates.

● Your account is active
● You have accepted the most current version of your contracts
● Your app has at least one approved version
● Your app is in the Ready for Sale, Invalid Binary, Rejected, Developer Rejected, or ● Developer Removed from Sale state
● Any associated In-App Purchases are in the Ready to Submit, Ready for Sale, Rejected, Developer Removed from Sale, or Approved state
● You know the Apple ID of the recipient’s Team Agent and their Team ID.

  Avand in vedere ca functia este noua, nimeni nu stie cat dureaza transferul.

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