Steve Wozniak vorbeste despre filmul jOBS si prezentarea inexacta a unor personaje

  Ieri a fost lansat trailerul de mai sus in care pelicula jOBS este prezentata pe scurt, iar Steve Wozniak, unul dintre co-fondatorii Apple, sustine ca in film producatorii au prezentat in mod inexact personajele principale si nu numai. Wozniak sustine ca Steve Jobs ar urma sa fie prezentat drept un “sfant” care a fost igonrat in lumea intreaga, si nu ca una dintre principalele persoane care a condus compania Apple catre esec dupa esec. El sustine ca Jobs a incercat sa opreasca producerea Apple II, calculatorul care genera cei mai multi bani pentru Apple, iar ca piata Macintosh-urilor a fost construita in trei ani dupa plecarea sa de catre persoane pe care el le dispretuieste.

I have a little bug in me that says that this movie will portray Steve as a saint who was ignored, rather than one of the key people who led Apple through failure after failure (Apple ///, LISA, Macintosh) while the revenues poured in from the Apple ][ that Jobs was trying to kill. It’s nice to have the luxury to fail. The Macintosh market was created in the 3 years after Jobs left, with a lot of effort, by some who Jobs disdains.

Jobs came back as the saint and god we now recognize and did then head the creation of other products as great as the Apple ][, like the iTunes store, the iPod, the retail stores, the iPhone and the iPad. But he was a different person, more experienced and more thoughtful and more capable of running Apple in those later years.

We truly could have used the later Jobs in earlier years at Apple, is what I feel.

  Desi Steve Jobs este privit ca si salvatorul Apple, Wozniak sustine ca fostul CEO era o persoana complet diferita la intoarcerea in fruntea companiei din Cupertino, mult mai experimentat si mult mai capabil sa isi conduca “creatia” asa cum trebuie. Wozniak este multumit de modul in care este el personificat in film, dupa cum era de asteptat, insa sustine ca John Sculley, cel care a preluat functia de CEO al Apple si l-a dat afara pe Jobs, si Mike Markkula, alt CEO al Apple, sunt prezentati intr-un mod exagerat, in neconcordanta cu realitatea, desi ei au avut aceleasi idealuri precum Steve Jobs.

I was ok with how it showed me, unlike the first preview. Other characters like Sculley and Markkula are wildly exaggerated in ways that tend to portray them as sleazy or something. In fact, they both had the same high ideals of where computers could lead us as Steve did. I allow a lot of artistic interpretation for the sake of entertainment and inspiration, as long as the implied meanings of the scenes are accurate. I can’t judge that until I see the film.

  Separat de toate acestea, Wozniak afirma ca pelicula nu prezinta personajele asa cum erau ele in viata reala, ci o versiune “imbunatatita”, gandita special pentru marile ecrane, adevarul fiind distorsionat de catre producatori. Avand in vedere ca vorbim despre un film artistic, nu stiu cati se asteptau sa vada adevarul gol golut in interpretarile actorilor, sigur multi se asteptau sa vada si cateva lucruri inventate, insa in final ar fi bine ca fictiunea sa nu depaseasca realitatea.

This post was last modified on iun. 22, 2013, 5:11 PM 17:11

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