Apple breveteaza un ecran tactil cu feedback pentru consola centrala a masinilor (Video)

  Printre brevetele de inventie inregistrate recent companiei Apple se numara si un ecran tactil care poate fi implementat in consola centrala a masinilor. Ecranul tactil al celor de la Apple ar oferi feedback la atingere si ar fi programabil pentru a permite soferilor sa interactioneze cu el in siguranta chiar si atunci cand conduc, feedback-ul dandu-le de inteles ca actioneaza functiile care trebuie. Ecranul ar afisa tot ceea ce afiseaza ecranele implementate in masini in zilele noastre, insa prin software ar putea fi configurat pentru a indeplini functii noi, in combinatie cu iDevice-urile si sistemul iOS in the Car.

This invention seeks to dramatically increase the utility of car informational displays and controls, while at the same time enhancing safety by improving sensory data presentation and ease of interaction with vehicle controls and data sources. The programmable nature of the disclosed devices also creates new methods for how data is delivered and utilized… Because it resembles today’s dashboards, and can be used for the basic control functions of the vehicle, the invention provides not only a potential means of telematic connectivity while driving (e.g. with the internet, cellular telephonic sources or the like), but a much more useful display and control system capable of many more functions–including the primary vehicle control functions, if desired.

  In clipul video de mai jos aveti o demonstratie a tehnologiei brevetetate astazi, ea apartinand unui inventator a carui companie a fost cel mai probabil achizitionata de catre Apple, din moment ce Apple apare ca proprietar al brevetului. E greu de spus daca tot ceea ce vedem acum va ajunge in vreo masina in urmatorii ani, insa este clar ca Apple doreste sa le ofere producatorilor de masini alternative viabile pentru propriile produse, cerandu-le in acelasi timp sa implementeze compatibilitate cu iDevice-urile sale.

This post was last modified on iul. 9, 2013, 10:34 PM 22:34

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