CalendarX for Notification Center aduce un calendar profesional in Notifications Center

  CalendarX for Notification Center este un widget lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, iar daca va uitati la imaginea de mai jos, veti vedea ca el reprezinta o versiune net superioara a aplicatiei Calendar disponibila in iOS. Acest widget ne ofera 10 metode diferite de a defini evenimente, permite setarea de iconite emoji pentru evenimente, afiseaza automat sarbatorile legale pentru anumite tari, permite stabilirea de diverse culori pentru fiecare eveniment in parte, permite modificarea fontului textului si a UI-ului, si multe, multe altele.

  Practic CalendarX for Notification Center este ceea ce Apple nu ofera in iOS, dar ar trebui sa ofere, este mai bun decat aproape oricare dintre aplicatiile disponibile in App Store si partea proasta este ca poate fi instalat doar pe terminalele jailbroken. CalendarX for Notification Center este disponibil la pretul de 3$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia si poate fi instalat pe iPhone/iPad-urile care ruleaza iOS 6.

It is a professinal calender manager for notification center. It allows you to define events both in Gregorian and hijri calender. There are 10 different event defining options. However, with the “General” option this defining becomes infinite. Every event is supported with various types of emoji icons so that you can see the defined event with its chosen emoji icon on the calender. The most amazing thing in this widget is that you don’t have to add each public holiday manually for four countries (United States, Turkey, Germany, France) on the calender. What you have to do is just enter your country then see the public holidays automatically. If your country is not in the list you can enter it manually. Another smart thing is alarm. When you enter alarm for an event it alerts you beforehand with the ringing tone you selected. The colour arranging button enables you see the defined event in any colour you wish. There is also anolog and digital clock option and analog clock colour is changable too.

This widget includes the following features:

  • Showing month and weekday texts in your iPhone’s language
  • Different event types with icons
  • Different event color on calendar
  • Defining different public holidays
  • Defining more adjacent days in one event
  • Defining event based on working days, weekdays, weekends and all
  • Selectable starting day of the week
  • Showing the day order from right to left on hijri calendar
  • Hijri and gregorian calendar
  • Different UI Color options
  • Changable UI Font and size
  • Analog and digital clock
  • Home button to access the current date
  • Playing different ringtones for Alarm
  • Snooze
  • Different language options

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