ASUS renunta la dezvoltarea de tablete Windows RT

  In ultimele zile cei de la Microsoft au lansat doua noi spoturi publicitare prin care ataca tabletele iPad, totul intr-o tentativa, destul de disperata, de a creste vanzarile tabletelor care ruleaza acest sistem de operare. In ciuda eforturilor celor din Redmond, compania ASUS a anuntat ca va renunta la dezvoltarea de tablete Windows RT deoarece sistemul de operare nu ofera indeajuns de multe aplicatii pentru a fi competitiv cu iOS si Android OS. Separat de acest motiv, cei de la ASUS sustin ca mai multi producatori de tablete sunt de acord ca aceste produse cu Windows RT nu au succes, iar daca luam in calcul si faptul ca ASUS

a pierdut bani producandu-le, atunci lucrurile sunt cat se poate de clare.

Taiwanese personal computer maker Asustek Computer Inc. (2357.TW) said Friday it will no longer make Windows RT tablets, which run a version of Microsoft Corp.’s (MSFT) Windows 8 for ARM Holdings PLC’s (ARMH) chips, citing weak sales. “It’s not only our opinion, the industry sentiment is also that Windows RT has not been successful,” Asustek Chief Executive Jerry Shen told The Wall Street Journal on the sidelines of its post-earnings conference. Mr. Shen said Asustek will make Windows 8 devices solely for Intel Corp.’s (INTC) chips, due to the system’s backward compatibility that Windows RT lacks. Critics of Windows RT have said the operating system lacks enough applications to compete with Google Inc.’s (GOOG) Android or Apple Inc.’s (AAPL) iOS.

  Cei de la ASUS vor dezvolta produse compatibile cu Windows 8, insa numai daca ele ruleaza in baza chip-urilor Intel, deci probabil vom vedea alte tablete Windows 8 in viitor. Era normal ca producatorii sa renunte la Windows RT din moment ce niciunul nu a reusti sa vanda indeajuns de multe unitati pentru a considera produsul un succes, dar poate in viitor cei de la Microsoft vor reusi sa faca tabletele de acest gen mult mai atractive.

This post was last modified on aug. 10, 2013, 9:34 AM 09:34

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