Tim Cook explica motivul din cauza caruia evenimentul de prezentare al iPhone 5S si iPhone 5C nu a fost transmis in direct

  Intr-un email trimis in cursul noptii trecute de catre Tim Cook, actualul CEO al companiei Apple discuta despre iPhone 5S si iPhone 5C. Email-ul dedicat angajatilor companiei are rolul de a le multumi acestora pentru toata munca depusa in ultimele luni pentru dezvoltarea iPhone-urilor si a iOS 7, laudand in acelasi timp cele doua produse. Cook vorbeste despre WWDC, despre noul chip de 64 de biti, despre iTunes Radio si noua suita iWork. In final CEO-ul spune ca limitarile lcului ales pentru eveniment nu au permis transmiterea conferintei in direct, insa le recomanda acestora sa vizioneze inregistrarea.


Today is an important day for Apple. Many of you and your coworkers have been hard at work developing the new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c, which are the result of incredible collaboration between hardware and software which only Apple can deliver. In the weeks and months to come, especially as we approach the holidays, our Retail teams will help millions of customers experience these amazing products for the first time. We are also thrilled to be launching iOS 7 next Wednesday.

In addition to the stunning new user interface you saw previewed at WWDC, iOS 7 has been engineered with deep integration with both iPhone 5s and 5c including advanced 64-bit technologies in iPhone 5s. iOS 7 will ship with iTunes Radio, our free Internet radio service, and we are making our mobile iLife and iWork apps available as free downloads for anyone who buys a new iOS device so they can do amazing things with their photos, videos, documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

We made these announcements in Town Hall here in Cupertino this morning. It is a small venue which limits our ability to show the keynote live across campus and to other locations as we like to do. The event is now available to stream on apple.com, so I hope you will take time to watch it. We’ve also posted a Q&A with Greg Joswiak on AppleWeb about the new products and the work behind them. I hope you are as excited about the new iPhone lineup as I am. Our teams do an incredible job taking complex, cutting-edge technology and making it simple for our customers. That’s something everyone at Apple can be proud of.


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