RichNotes transforma aplicatia Notes a iOS intr-un adevarat editor de text

  Aplicatia Notes a iOS este o simpla metoda de a scrie texte in iDevice-uri, cei de la Apple nearatandu-si vreodata disponibilitatea de a implementa functii cu adevarat complexe in ea. Ei bine, daca Apple nu  ne ofera functii demne de un editor de texte adevarat, atunci tweak-ul RichNotes o face. Instaland acest tweak veti implementa in aplicatia Notes posibilitatea de a colora textele, de a modifica fonturile, de a evidentia anumite portiuni ale acestora, de a adauga umbre literelor, de a sublinia cuvinte/propozitii, de a taia cuvinte si multe, multe altele.

Did you ever wanted to enhance your typing experience? Don’t you get bored of a black colored text in Notes App? Well, no more boring black text! Introducing RichNotes – Rich Text Editing on the fly for the standard Notes App. You can easily apply to any part of your note with just a tap, these are the list of what you can apply to any part of your text:<br>

  • Color
  • Font
  • Highlight
  • Shadow
  • Shadow Color
  • Underline
  • Strikethrough
  • Snippets

There are over 120+ colors and over 100+ fonts available! Works on both iPhone and iPad. And in any orientations.

  RichNotes ne pune la dispozitie nu mai putin de 100 de fonturi si peste 120 de culori, asa ca va puteti transforma notitele oricum doriti voi fara a utiliza aplicatii terte din App Store. RichNotes este disponibil la pretul de 1$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on sept. 14, 2013, 8:19 PM 20:19

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