Jony Ive si Craig Federighi vorbesc despre eliminarea skeumorfismului, razboiul megapixelilor si viitorul iOS-ului

  Separat de interviul dat in Businessweek, Jony Ive si Craig Federighi au vorbit cu ziarul USA Today despre eliminarea skeumorfismului din iOS 7, razboiul megapixelilor si viitorul iOS-ului. Ive sustine ca eliminarea skeumorfismului i-a dat libertatea de a crea ceva nou, inedit pentru iOS 7, echipa din cadrul Apple ajungand la concluzia ca utilizatorii s-au obisnuit indeajuns de mult cu ecranele tactile, astfel incat interfata de utilizator nu trebuie sa semene atat de mult cu lumea reala. Continuand, cei doi spun ca dezvoltarea unui Notifications Center translucent a le ofera utilizatorilor o perspectiva cu totul noua asupra software-ului pe care il utilizeaza, Retina Display-ul permitand echipei sa elimine efectele de umbra implementate pentru a ascunde limitarile ecranelor anterioare.

When we sat down last November (to work on iOS 7), we understood that people had already become comfortable with touching glass, they didn’t need physical buttons, they understood the benefits. So there was an incredible liberty in not having to reference the physical world so literally. We were trying to create an environment that was less specific. It got design out of the way. Look at that. The lovely thing about translucency is you’re not sitting there going, ‘Where have I just been taken?’ because your world is still there. Before, the shadowing effect we used was a great way to distract from the limitations of the display. But with a display that’s this precise, there’s nowhere to hide. So we wanted a clear typography.

  Vorbind despre camere, cei doi susti ca in momentul de fata companiile sunt interesate sa implementeze camere cu cat mai multi megapixeli in smartphone-uri ignorand faptul ca ele nu au beneficii reale pentru utilizatori. Apple se concentreaza pe oferirea unei experiente cat mai bune pentru inregistrarea pozelor, dar si pentru oferirea de poze cat se poate de reale, iar camera din iPhone 5S aduce compania cu un pas mai aproape de realizarea pozelor perfecte.

This is terribly important and at the heart of what we do. We care about how to design the inside of something you’ll never see, because we think it’s the right thing to do.

  Intrebat ce va face daca ar fi sa paraseasca intr-un moment dat compania Apple, Jony ive nu a oferit un raspuns direct celor carora le-a dat interviul, dar a dat de inteles ca munca sa abia incepe in cadrul companiei Apple. Glumind totusi cu ziaristul USA Today, Ive a afirmat ca i-ar placea sa conceapa cani, insa stim sigur ca la Apple nu vomv edea asa ceva.

Look at that chair, we understand it because its form and function are the same thing, which is how the manufactured world has been for hundreds of years. And then incredibly and relatively recently, there’s this opportunity but with a set of problems to create objects whose forms don’t hint at what they do. And they’re packed with incredible sophistication and capability. It all feels so new and all-consuming. It feels like we’re just getting started. I’d like to design cups.

This post was last modified on sept. 19, 2013, 7:05 PM 19:05

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