CamVolNormal modifica functionalitatea butoanelor de volum in timpul utilizarii aplicatiei Camera

  CamVolNormal este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei seri in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem imbunatati modul in care sunt utilizate butoanele de volum pentru a inregistra poze sau clipuri video folosind aplicatia Camera a iOS. In mod normal simpla apasare a butonului va inregistra o poza/un clip video, insa dupa instalarea acestui tweak, actiunea va fi rulata numai in cazul in care dam drumul butonului. Practic o simpla apasare nu va genera vreo actiune, iar dupa eliberarea butonului poza sau clipul video vor fi inregistrate.

Compatible with iOS 5 and 6. Are you the one who don’t like how the volume buttons work in Camera app? When you press it, camera will immediately press the shutter button, results in taking photo or start recording without releasing the volume button. This tweak prevent that, the camera will activate the shutter feature only if you released the volume button, after pressed it. If you have CamVolZoom installed, please make sure to DISABLE CamVolZoom before using this tweak, or it will NOT WORK. Configure options from Settings.

  CamVolNormal este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on oct. 11, 2013, 6:45 PM 18:45

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