Apple lanseaza Xcode 5.0.2 GM

  Desi a publicat versiunile finale ale iOS 7 si OS X Mavericks si nu a lansat vreo versiune beta a Xcode 5.0.2, iata ca in cursul noptii trecute compania Apple a lansat versiunea GM a noului software. Update-ul are roulul de a rezolva unele probleme ale simulatorului pentru iOS 7.0.3, ale aplicatiilor facute folosind noua arhitectura de 64 de biti, ale unor buguri generate pentru compilarea de aplicatii pentru iOS 6.x, plus alte buguri care generau probleme mari pentru dezvoltatori.

Issues Resolved in Xcode 5.0.2 GM seed Simulator
After installation of Xcode, the iOS 7.0.3 simulator hangs on first launch for a period of time (eventually launching). This issue has been resolved. (15368009)
Running UIAutomation from the Instruments GUI or from the /usr/bin/instruments command line crashes. This has been resolved. (15367995)
Running and Debugging
Launching a 64-bit application on a device from Xcode multiple times causes the device to stop responding (and require a soft-reset). This has been resolved. (15338361)
Debugging an application on a device running iOS 6.x causes the application to crash with EXC_BAD_ACCESS. This has been resolved. (15310896)
LLDB now correctly displays structs in simulator processes. (14496092)

  Avand in vedere ca vorbim despre un build GM, doar dezvoltatorii il pot descarca din portalul dedicat lor pe website-ul Apple.

This post was last modified on nov. 6, 2013, 9:42 AM 09:42

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