Apple creste substantial numarul de poze si filme care pot fi stocate sau transferate prin iCloud

  Incepand cu iOS 7, compania Apple a facut cateva modificari importante in ceea ce priveste iCloud-ul, Photo Stream-ul si Photo Sharing-ul avand acum noi limite in ceea ce priveste posibilitatea de a stoca poze sau de a partaja poze si clipuri video intre iDevice-uri. Incepem cu My Photo Stream-ul, serviciul celor de la Apple permitand pana recent posibilitatea de a stoca pana la 10.000 de poze lunar in iCloud, insa recent o modificare a crescut cu 150% acest numar, astfel ca lunar 25.000 de poze pot fi stocate in iCloud(1000 pe ora si 10.000 pe zi). Noile limite sunt impuse de catre compania Apple in baza unor tipare de upload obtinute de catre Apple in urma analizarii datelor inregistarte de la utilizatorii sai.

The My Photo Stream limits below are established based on anticipated upload patterns. Currently, My Photo Stream upload limits are as follows:

  • Uploads to My Photo Stream per hour: 1000 photos
  • Uploads to My Photo Stream per day: 10,000 photos
  • Uploads to My Photo Stream per month: 25,000 photos

If you exceed one of these limits, your uploads to My Photo Stream will be paused temporarily and you may see a notification message on your device. Your uploads will resume automatically after you no longer exceed one of the limits, such as in the following hour or on the following day.

  In cazul iCloud Photo Sharing-ului, compania Apple a modificat limitele astfel incat acum 1000 de clipuri poze si video pot fi partajate in fiecare ora, 10.000 fiind limita pentru fiecare zi. Tot ceea ce introduceti in acest sistem poate fi accesibil de catre orice alti utilizatori ai iCloud atat timp cat le oferiti link-urile pentru accesarea informatiilor. Limitele impuse de catre compania Apple sunt mai mult decat rezonabile pentru oricine, numarul de persoane care incarca in iCloud peste 25.000 de poze fiind extrem de mic.

The current iCloud Photo Sharing hourly and daily limits are as follows:

  • Maximum combined number of photos and videos to share per hour: 1000
  • Maximum combined number of photos and videos to share per day: 10,000

These sharing limits are separate from the upload limits above. For example, in the same day you could upload 10,000 photos to My Photo Stream and then share those 10,000 photos or 10,000 other photos.

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