THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’97 – un nou arcade street fighter pentru iOS


  THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’97 este un joc lansat in cursul acestei nopti in App Store, el fiind conceput in stilul celebrului Street Fighter lansat pentru platforma iOS de catre compania CAPCOM. Versiunea lansata acum in App Store reprezinta un port al jocului disponibil initial in anul 1997 pentru diverse platforme, el aducand pe iDevice-uri atat acelasi tip de gameplay, cat si aceleasi personaje intalnite cu peste un deceniu in urma. Avand in vedere ca vorbim despre un street fighting game, scopul vostru in acest joc este de a fi cel mai bun luptator si de a va invinge oponentii in luptele stradale, fiecare personaj avand un stil de lupta diferit, dar si miscari speciale care au rolul de a ii garanta succesul.

Become the new challenger in the all-time classic THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’97 on iPhone and iPad! Revisit this fighting gem, by playing one of its legendary (and sometimes hidden) teams, and behold the numerous endings the game has to offer! Put an end to the evil Orochi’s resurrection scheme, and finally settle the score between Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami! The NEO GEO version’s hidden characters are now available directly on the character select screen so you can easily crush your opponent using Orochi Iori or Orochi Leona!
Experience for the first time in the series the “Affinity System”, and to select the members of your team according to their affinity, and enjoy their pre-match interactions!

  THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’97 este disponibil sub forma unei aplicatii universale in App Store.

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Categoria: Games

Descriere: Become the new challenger in the all-time classic THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’97 on iPhone and iPad!

Revisit this fighting gem, by playing one of its legendary (and sometimes hidden) teams, and behold the numerous endings the game has to offer!
Put an end to t…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 65.2 Mb

This post was last modified on nov. 15, 2013, 11:25 AM 11:25

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