Tim Cook le cere angajatilor sa se comporte exemplar in momentele in care reprezinta Apple

  In cursul noptii trecute au aparut pe internet un clip video, sters intre timp, in care Tim Cook, CEO al Apple, le vorbeste angajatilor despre unele modificari facute in codul de conduita al companiei, spunandu-le angajatilor ca trebuie sa se comporte exemplar atat in cadrul orelor de lucru, cat si in timpul liber. Clipul video a fost acompaniat si de scrisoarea pe care o vedeti mai jos, in ea conducerea companiei cerandu-le angajatilor sa citeasca noua versiune a codului de conduita si sa ii respecte guideline-urile in momentele in care reprezinta compania americana in relatia cu toti clientii, dar si in relatia cu alte companii si entitati guvernamentale.

As Dr. Martin Luther King once said, the time is always right to do what’s right. At Apple, we do the right thing. Even when it’s not easy. If you see something that doesn’t meet our standards, speak up. Whether it’s a quality issue or a business practice, if it affects Apple’s integrity, we need to know about it.

  Citandu-l pe Martin Luther King in clipul video publicat noaptea trecuta, Tim Cook afirma ca Apple este o companie in care business-ul se desfasoara in mod corect, iar angajatii trebuie sa se comporte la fel. Nu se stie deocamdata ce anume a fortat compania Apple sa actioneze in acest mod, insa cel mai probabil vorbim fie despre o incercare de a reduce furnizarea de informatii confidentiale de catre angajati spre jurnalisti, fie vorbim despre vreun eveniment nefericit care a implicat angajati Apple.

Apple Team,

I am writing to ask you to do something very important — set aside a little time to review Apple’s Business Conduct Policy.  It explains in very clear terms how you are expected to conduct yourself with our customers, business partners, government agencies, and fellow employees.  We expect every Apple employee to understand and comply with these rules.

The Policy is based on Apple’s core values of honesty, respect, confidentiality, and the critical obligation of every Apple employee to adhere to legal principles, like antitrust and anti-corruption laws.  Living by it is how we earn the trust of our customers and partners and how we keep Apple a great place to work.

The Business Conduct group has developed a new version of the Policy in iBooks format.  The book is convenient and engaging with galleries, video, audio and multi-touch widgets all designed to help you learn about Apple’s principles of business conduct.  You can download the new book via Switchboard, or access a web-version here.

If you have questions, or information about conduct you think may violate the Policy, don’t be afraid to speak up. Talk to your manager, your HR representative, or contact the Business Conduct Helpline — which can be done anonymously.

Thank you in advance for treating this seriously and taking responsibility for demonstrating high integrity in every aspect of Apple’s business.

Bruce Sewell

SVP and General Counsel

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