Tim Cook are “planuri mari” pentru Apple in 2014, pregateste produse pe care consumatorii le vor iubi

  Ieri, la doar cateva ore dupa lansarea solutiei de untethered jailbreak pentru iOS 7 numita evasi0n7, Tim Cook a trimis o scrisoare interna angajatilor sai in care discuta despre planurile companiei Apple pentru anul 2014. Momentul a fost cu siguranta special ales pentru a diminua o parte din atentia acordata solutiei de jailbreak si el ne dezvaluie o parte dintre intentiile companiei pentru anul 2014, Tim Cook anuntand ca are “planuri mari” pentru compania pe care o conduce.

  Liderul celor din Cupertino isi incepe scrisoarea mentionand faptul ca zeci de milioane de oameni din lumea intreaga iau contactul cu produsele Apple pentru prima oara, acesta fiind un moment magic posibil multumita muncii depuse de catre angajatii sai in cursul anului 2013. In continuare CEO-ul Apple vorbeste despre produsele lansate in cursul anului trecut, despre atingerea unui record de 50 de miliarde de descarcari prin intermediul App Store, dar si despre eforturile Apple de a strange sume importante de bani pentru fundatiile caritabile cu care colaboreaza.

  In final Tim Cook vorbeste despre lupta sa pentru a ajuta la adoptarea unei legi menite sa apere drepturile si libertatile angajatilor americani, dar si despre eforturile depuse de catre Apple pentru sustinerea unor proiecte dedicate protejarii mediului inconjurator. Inainte de a incheia, Cook mentioneaza sumar faptul ca in 2014 ne putem astepta la noi produse inovatoare de la Apple, vorbe similare fiind rostite anul trecut de catre CEO-ul companiei, iar ele s-au dovedit a fi intrutotul adevarate, Apple lansand cateva produse extrem de atractive anul acesta.

  Se speculeaza ca in 2014 Apple ar putea lansa un iWatch, un iTV sau poate chiar o tableta iPad Pro, insa indiferent ce vom vedea de la compania americana, exista sanse foarte mari ca acele produse sa fie grozave si extrem de dorite in intreaga lume.


This holiday season, tens of millions of people around the world, from all walks of life, are experiencing Apple products for the first time. Those moments of surprise and delight are magical, and they’re all made possible by your hard work. As many of us prepare to celebrate the holidays with our loved ones, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on what we’ve achieved together over the past year.

First and foremost, we introduced industry-leading products in each of our major categories in 2013, showing the breadth and depth of innovation at Apple. We extended our lead in the smartphone market with iPhone 5s; launched iOS 7, an extraordinarily ambitious project; released OS X Mavericks for free to our customers; introduced the iPad Air and the iPad mini with Retina display; and this week began shipping the Mac Pro from a manufacturing facility in Austin, Texas. We also marked our 50 billionth download on the App Store – a milestone no one could have predicted we would reach so quickly.

Together we’ve shown the world that innovation at Apple goes beyond our products to the way we do business and how we give back to our community. This year, Apple raised and donated tens of millions of dollars for important charities and relief efforts like Red Cross aid to typhoon victims in the Philippines, and we continue to be the largest contributor to (PRODUCT)RED, supporting the Global Fund in its fight against the spread of AIDS in Africa. Just a few weeks ago, Jony Ive led an unprecedented effort that brought money and awareness to eliminating the transmission of AIDS from mother to child.

And finally, Apple is standing up for what we believe is right. We know that equality and diversity make our company and our society stronger, so we’ve urged the U.S. Congress to support workplace protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. We are also laser focused on our contribution to several environmental initiatives and we will increase our efforts even more in this area in the future.

We have a lot to look forward to in 2014, including some big plans that we think customers are going to love. I am extremely proud to stand alongside you as we put innovation to work serving humankind’s deepest values and highest aspirations. I consider myself the luckiest person in the world for the opportunity to work at this amazing company with all of you.

Happy Holidays,


This post was last modified on dec. 23, 2013, 8:14 AM 08:14

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