SBPowerAlert – un meniu util de actiuni pentru iOS 7

  SBPowerAlert este un tweak lansat in cursul acestei nopti in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau accesa un meniu ce ne afiseaza cantitatea de memorie RAM disponibila pentru utilizare cu terminalele noastre, dar nu doar atat. Tweak-ul implementeaza inclusiv un meniu Power in iOS 7

, el oferindu-ne diverse optiuni pentru inchiderea/repornirea/blocarea terminalelor, sau introducerea lor in Safe Mode si efectuarea unui respring. Tweak-ul functioneaza cu ajutorul Activator, asa ca puteti accesa meniul folosind orice gest.

SBPowerAlert is a simple Popup with several Options. It allows you to Reboot your Device, Power it down, respring it, put it into safe mode and lock it. Moreover it displays the available RAM as the title of the Alert. It is a small replace for SBSetting’s Power Alert, since SBSettings is not compatible with iOS 7. After the Installation a respring it required. Then you can open Activator to assign an Event to SBPowerAlert. Once you set an Event for SBPower to launch (for example swipe right on the status bar) you can trigger the event and the SBPowerAlert will show.

  SBPowerAlert este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on ian. 3, 2014, 9:22 AM 09:22

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