Confide – o aplicatie de mesagerie confidentiala pentru iOS

  Recentele actiuni ale NSA au determinat lansarea mai multor servicii care permit securizarea conversatiilor si a fisierelor din terminale mobile, iar o aplicatie numita Confide isi propune sa ne permita sa efectuam conversatii confidentiale cu oricine. Practic aplicatia sterge imediat mesajele trimise dupa ce ele sunt citite de catre interlocutorul nostru, permite redactarea mesajelor, ofera posibilitatea de a trimite mesaje catre orice adresa de email, mesajele sunt criptate printr-un algoritm special, iar totul este disponibil gratuit.

Spoken words disappear after they’re heard. But what you say online remains forever.  We think this is crazy. Confide lets you take your messages off the record:

Messages disappear forever once they’re read
Swiping prevents screenshots
Instantly send messages to any email address
Messages you send are private and encrypted
Read receipts tell you when your message is read

  Confide este disponibila gratuit in App Store


Pretul initial:
Confide: Your off-the-record messenger



Developer: Confide, Inc.
Categoria: Social Networking

Descriere: Spoken words disappear after theyre heard. But what you say online remains forever.

We think this is crazy.

Confide lets you take your messages off the record:

Messages disappear forever once theyre…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 5.5 Mb

This post was last modified on ian. 10, 2014, 8:28 AM 08:28

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