3D animated Blob Lockscreen – un wallpaper animat pentru LockScreen-ul iOS 7

  3D animated Blob Lockscreen este un wallpaper animat lansat in cursul noptii trecute in Cydia, el permitandu-va sa afisati in LockScreen-ul iDevice-urilor cu iOS 7 exact ceea ce vedeti in imaginea de mai sus. Aplicarea acestui mod va face intregul LockScreen transparent, insa veti putea vizualiza in continuare notificari si textele ceasului/a datei sau a sliderului pentru deblocare. 3D animated Blob Lockscreen

este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul ModMyi al Cydia.

3D animated morphing blob. VERY COOL!! GIF made by paolo ceric. This will make your lockscreen transparent. The only thing you will see is the time/date and unlock text.

This post was last modified on ian. 14, 2014, 10:52 PM 22:52

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