Apple incaseaza din nou majoritatea profitului generat de catre producatorii de telefoane mobile

  Apple nu a vandut cele mai multe telefoane mobile in Q4 2013, nu a vandut cele mai multe smartphone-uri, insa conform unui analist american, a incasat cel mai mare profit. In baza calculelor facute de catre un analist american, compania Apple ar fi incasat 87.4% din totalul profitului generat de catre toti producatorii de telefoane mobile, cei de la Samsung incasand 32.2%. Va veti intreba acum cum este posibil acest lucru, iar analistul spune ca pierderile suferite de catre diversi producatori de telefoane mobile au permis celor doua companii sa castige atat de multi bani.

Apple (AAPL) and Samsung continue to soak up all the industry’s profits, McCourt says. Apple claimed 87.4% of phone earnings before interest and taxes in the fourth quarter, he said. Samsung took in 32.2% of industry profits. Because their combined earnings were higher than the industry’s total earnings as a result of many vendors losing money in Q4, Apple and Samsung mathematically accounted for more than 100% of the industry’s earnings. A year ago, Apple accounted for 77.8% of mobile phone industry profits, followed by Samsung with 26.1%, McCourt said.

  In aceeasi perioada a anului trecut Apple incasa 77.8% din profitul producatorilor de telefoane mobile, Samsung incasand 26.1%. In baza noilor cifre aflam ca Apple a castigat cu 9.6% mai multi bani, in timp ce in cazul companiei Samsung suma a crescut cu 6.1%. Foarte important de notat este si faptul ca producatorii de telefoane mobile au pierdut mai multi bani in cursul Q4 2013 decat in cursul Q4 2012, acest lucru permitandu-le celor de la Samsung si Apple sa genereze mai mult profit.

This post was last modified on feb. 12, 2014, 9:35 AM 09:35

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