Pentru al saptelea an consecutiv, compania Apple este desemnata cea mai admirata companie de pe glob

  Anual cei de la Fortune Magazine publica un top al celor mai admirate companii de pe glob, iar pentru al saptelea an consecutiv compania Apple ocupa prima pozitie in acest top. Urmata de catre Amazon, Google, Berkshire Hathaway si Starbucks, Apple

a fost declarata castigatoare in baza unor studii derulate in randul managerilor de companii si analisti americani. Scorul obtinut de catre compania Apple in baza criteriilor utilizate de catre Fortune este de 7.94, Amazon urmand-o cu un scorn de 7.09.

The iconic tech company known for the iPhone and other stylish and user-friendly products is back in the top spot on this year’s list, for the seventh year in a row. Apple, the most valuable brand on the planet according to Interbrand, brought in $171 billion in revenues in FY2013 and is flush with cash, but fan boys and girls (not to mention the market) are getting antsy to see its next big product. Bets are on a smartwatch or AppleTV, but the company is also reportedly turning its attention to cars and medical devices. — Erika Fry

  Compania Apple a fost declarata castigatoare in 7 dintre cele 9 categorii pe care studiul le avea in vedere si probabil nimeni nu este surprins de pozitia ocupata de catre compania americana, avand in vedere ca ea vine dupa atatia ani de plasare in top.

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