Da Vinci’s Art of War – cucereste intreaga Europa a secolului 16 intr-un nou joc de strategie pentru platforma iOS (Video)

  Da Vinci’s Art of War este un joc lansat in cursul acestei saptamani in App Store-ul companiei Apple, iar daca veti urmari clipul video de mai sus veti observa ca vorbim despre un joc de strategie extrem de interesant. Dezvoltatorii titlului l-au conceput avand la baza hartile istorice ale Europei secolului al 16-lea, rolul vostru fiind de a deveni cuceritorul intregului continent. Pentru ca vorbim despre un joc de strategie, deciziile voastre militare sau economice vor controla evolutia voastra in joc, asa ca trebuie sa aveti grija ce alegeri faceti.

Da Vinci’s Art of War is a popular region-based board game where the ultimate goal is to dominate 16th century Europe. Now you can play it on the iPad! Cannons, flying machines, bombards, tanks and many more inventions will be available as options at the auction table, but only with a perfect balance of risk and caution will players make the most of them.

Players are faced with tough economic and military decisions as they earn Victory Points and attempt to outbid opponents at the auction and get their hands on Leonardo Da Vinci’s most powerful war machines. Every Victory Point has to be earned by careful placement of your troops, construction of fortifications, and invasion of bordering regions. Each new turn brings a chance to acquire Da Vinci’s precious projects and get the upper hand over your opponents.

  Da Vinci’s Art of War

este un joc foarte complex care poate fi jucat doar pe o tableta iPad a celor de la Apple, iar daca sunteti interesati de el, il puteti cumpara din App Store.

Pretul initial:
Da Vinci’s Art of War



Developer: Slitherine Softwa…
 iPad Only
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Da Vincis Art of War is a popular region-based board game where the ultimate goal is to dominate 16th century Europe. Now you can play it on the iPad!

Players are faced with tough economic and military decisions as they earn Victory Points and attempt to…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 124.6 Mb

This post was last modified on mart. 9, 2014, 6:23 PM 18:23

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