MagicBadges permite modificarea badge-urilor aplicatiilor in iOS 7

  MagicBadges este un tweak lansat in cursul serii trecute in Cydia, iar prin intermediul sau putem administra mai eficient badge-urile afisate pentru aplicatiile iDevice-urilor noastre. Mai exact, MagicBadges ne ofera posibilitatea de a modifica pozitia badge-urilor aplicatiilor, dimensiunea acestora, culoarea lor, iar daca dorim putem chiar sa afisam si o imagine diferita. Totul este posibil printr-un meniu de setari al tweak-ului, ar si prin copierea unor fisire in format 50×50 pixeli in /Library/Application Support/MagicBadges


Requires iOS7+. Not compatible with iPad(soon it will be). MagicBadges makes it easy to change the badges‘ position,size and color,use pictures(keeping their orginal color scheme) you like to replace default badge if you’re bored with it,in the same way Zeppelin to Carrier Logos,or Alkaline to Battery Icons. Put badge themes(png format,50×50 around) into /Library/Application Support/MagicBadges.

  MagicBadges este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on mart. 31, 2014, 11:07 PM 23:07

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