Microsoft Office pentru iPad update aduce o suita de functii noi

  Microsoft Office pentru iPad, adica aplicatiile Word, PowerPoint si Excel disponibile in App Store, au fost actualizate in cursul acestei seri de catre compania Microsoft. Una dintre principalele noutati este posibilitatea de a printa documente direct din aplicatii folosindu-ne tabletele iPad, sistemul functionand prin intermediul tehnologiei AirPrint implementate in iOS. Noua optiune ne permite sa printam orice dorim din documentele deschise in tablete, asa ca nu veti fi obligati sa printati pagini intregi sau tablete intregi.

Your top request is here! You can now print Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations to an AirPrintTM printer. In Word for iPad, you can choose to print a document with or without markup. In Excel, print a selected range, a single worksheet or an entire spreadsheet. Of course, you can select the pages or slides you want to print. SmartGuides in PowerPoint help you align pictures, shapes, and textboxes as you move them around on a slide. With very little effort, your presentations will look beautifully designed.

  Separat de aceasta noutate, cei de la Microsoft au implementat SmartGuides inPowerPoint, acesta fiind un sistem care ne ajuta sa aliniem pozele, obiectele sau casutele de text in prezentarile noastre. Mai mult decat atat, aplicatia Excel are o functie numita AutoFit care permite modificarea mult mai simpla a tabelelor, chiar si in cazul seletarii de celule multiple. Noile versiuni ale aplicatiilor sunt disponibile gratuit in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Microsoft Word for iPad



Developer: Microsoft Corpora…
 iPad Only
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: ** Read Word documents for free. To create and edit, an Office 365 subscription is needed. **

The real Microsoft Word app designed for iPad.
Now your Word documents look great on the iPad. When you edit or create documents, you can be confident they wil…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 246.8 Mb

Pretul initial:
Microsoft Excel for iPad



Developer: Microsoft Corpora…
 iPad Only
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: ** View Excel spreadsheets for free. To create and edit, an Office 365 subscription is needed. **

The real Microsoft Excel app designed for iPad.
Now your Excel spreadsheets look great on the iPad. When you edit or create spreadsheets, you can be confid…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 222.1 Mb

Pretul initial:
Microsoft PowerPoint for iPad



Developer: Microsoft Corpora…
 iPad Only
Categoria: Productivity

Descriere: ** View and show PowerPoint presentations for free. To create and edit, an Office 365 subscription is needed. **

The real Microsoft PowerPoint app designed for iPad.
Now your PowerPoint presentations look great on the iPad. When you edit or create docum…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 205.4 Mb

This post was last modified on apr. 29, 2014, 7:38 PM 19:38

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