Democracy 3 – transforma-te in guvernatorul unei tari intr-un complex joc economic pentru iPad (Video)

  Daca sunteti fanii jocurilor economice pentru tabletele iPad, atunci poate veti fi interesati de Democracy 3, un titlu lansa tin cursul acestui weekend in App Store-ul celor de la Apple. Conceput special pentru tabletele iPadDemocracy 3 ne ofera posibilitatea de a prelua rolul guvernului unei tari si de a controla toate aspectele privind dezvoltarea acesteia de-a lungul timpului.

Democracy 3 simulates the motivations, loyalties and desires of everyone in the country. A custom-designed neural network is used to model individual voters, each which varying memberships of voting groups, political parties and pressure groups. Each voters income is modelled, along with their levels of complacency and cynicism. This is the most sophisticated political strategy game ever created.

  Democracy 3 este prezentat ca fiind unul dintre cele mai complexe jocuri politice de strategie lansate vreodata in App Store-ul celor de la Apple, el simuland cat se poate de bine ideea de a conduce o tara in lumea reala. In aceasta idee, noi vom avea posibilitatea de a experimenta pe propriile tablete greutatile generate de mentinerea stabilitatii economice, multumirea cetatenilor, intretinerea relatiilor cu partenerii politici si multe, multe altele.

Despite being vastly detailed under-the-hood, Democracy 3 has a unique user interface that makes visualising the connections between laws, policies, voters and situations easy. A simple iconic-based view of your countries issues allows you to ‘drill-down’ through all the relationships between policies and voters to quickly analyse the impacts of your decisions. Your trade policy may affect GDP, which will affect unemployment, which will effect poverty, and thus crime, leading to a change in tourism, which affects GDP…

  Democracy 3 este disponibil in App Store intr-un format compatibil doar cu tablete iPad.

Pretul initial:
Democracy 3



Developer: Positech Computin…
 iPad Only
Categoria: Games

Descriere: Ever wanted to run the country

Have you ever wanted to be president or prime-minister Convinced you could do a better job of running the country Let’s face it, you could hardly do a worse job than our current political leaders. Crime, Unemployment, Natio…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 39.5 Mb

This post was last modified on iun. 9, 2014, 9:06 AM 09:06

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