Kanye West ataca Apple dupa achizitionarea Beats (Video)

  Saptamana trecuta Kanye West a afirmat ca Apple a achizitionat compania Beats doar pentru ca Samsung a incheiat un acord de promovare cu binecunoscutul Jay-Z, iar saptamana aceasta continua cu atacurile. Conform artistului

american, compania Apple a ales sa le propuna artistilor prezenti la iTunes Festival promovare in cadrul iTunes in locul onorariilor de milioane de dolari care ar fi fost in mod normal platite.

It showed, now that Steve has passed… It showed a number one company the importance of connecting with culture. And I know you might of heard about this thing where I was on stage calling Tim Cook out and saying why do you have these guys performing at SXSW and you don’t want to pay them.

  Organizat pentru prima oara in SUA, iTunes Festival a generat interes enorm din partea americanilor, zeci de milioane de persoane fiind interesate sa participe la concertele gratuite organizate sub controlul Apple. Interesant este ca desi Apple nu cere bani pentru bilete, nici macar nu plateste vreun ban artistilor, promovarea oferita in cadrul iTunes fiind cel putin la fel de importanta precum banii, chiar si pentru artisti.

You just want to give us extra space on the iTunes page and stuff. Meanwhile, Samsung realized, the whole point of what we’re saying, is that no you have to go and pay these guys. And that culture and creativity is worth something. The best thing about the fall of Blackberry and the rise at Apple is the win for creativity…

  Deocamdata nimeni nu spune de ce este Kanye West atat de suparat pe compania Apple, insa sigur exista ceva la mijloc, altfel artistul nu ar fi atacat compania Apple sau pe CEO-ul sau, Tim Cook.

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