Desert Fox: The Battle of El Alamein – un nou de strategie interesant pentru paltforma iOS (Video)

  Daca sunteti un fan al jocurilor de strategie, ei bine va anunt ca incepand din cursul serii trecute exista in App Store titlul Desert Fox: The Battle of El Alamein. In clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentat gameplay-ul gandit de catre dezvoltatorii jocului si vorbim despre un joc de strategie in care voi va trebui sa retraiti virtual cateva dintre cele mai importante batalii din Africa de Nord in timpul celui de-al doilea razboi mondial.

Take control at the turning point of the battle for North Africa in this WWII strategy game. Will you hold the line as the Commonwealth or capture the Suez Canal as the Axis? Command a grand campaign, making key decisions and controlling the final engagement. Use mines, ridges, and depressions to your advantage in desert warfare against challenging AI or online opponents.

  Desert Fox: The Battle of El Alamein ne ofera posibilitatea de a controla aproape orice tip de unitate disponibila intr-o armata a celui de-al doilea razboi mondial, exceptie facand desigur avioanele. Cu ajutorul lor noi va trebui sa castigam fiecare batalie in parte, iar in acest context strategia si utilizarea tuturor resurselor disponibile pentru noi se vor dovedi a fi cruciale in tentativa de a iesi invingatori.

  • Command tanks, recon units, flak guns and more in strategic desert warfare
  • Call the shots and decide when to attack or defend in campaign mode
  • Learn the ropes through quick, guided tutorials
  • Face off against distinct AI opponents, local friends, or players online
  • Battle through two stand-alone scenarios in addition to the grand campaign
  • Relive victories with replays, leaderboards, and achievements
  • Improve your strategy with full rules and charts and tables
  • Discover history with extensive historical photos and commentary
  • Designed by Mark Herman, award-winning inventor of Washington’s War

  Desert Fox: The Battle of El Alamein este disponibil in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Desert Fox: The Battle of El Alamein



Developer: Shenandoah Studio…
Categoria: Games

Descriere: History and turn-based strategy collide in Desert Fox: The Battle of El Alamein!

The award-winning team behind Battle of the Bulge and Drive on Moscow asks: Can you outwit the Desert Fox

Take control at the turning point of the battle for North Africa i…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 456.9 Mb

This post was last modified on iun. 26, 2014, 8:30 PM 20:30

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