DMBX 2.6 – Mountain Bike and BMX – un nou joc dedicat fanilor ciclismului si nu numai (Video)

  DMBX 2.6 – Mountain Bike and BMX este un joc lansat in cursul noptii trecute in App Store pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch, el fiind dedicat tuturor celor carora le plac bicicletele si evenimentele cu stunt-uri pentru ele. Dupa cum puteti vedea deja din imaginea de mai sus, titlul ne permite sa participam la diverse evenimente in care ne putem utiliza bicicletele pentru a face diverse stunt-uri pe platforme si nu numai.

DMBX Mountain Bike and BMX continues – featuring brand new Downhill, Slopestyle, Vert Ramp, Dirt-Pipe and Big Air levels, ghost and battle races, new bikes and individual characters from head-to-toe, replay options with video and picture export, completely new animations and physics, easy trick-steering and much more! Please welcome the freshest Mountain Bike and BMX action for your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad!

  Exact precum ii spune si numele, jocul ne ofera posibilitatea de a folosi biciclete BMX si Mountain Bike pentru a participa la diversele curse concepute de catre dezvoltatori, totul in ideea de a deveni cel mai bun ciclist. 8 locatii diferite sunt disponibile pentru curse ce se desfasoara in 32 de nivele unice cu 168 de challenge-uri, noi avand la dispozitie 8 ciclisti individuali si 6 biciclete diferite.

Did you ever want to drop into a vert ramp with your BMX? Or throw yourself over a big air? Maybe you are just about ready to conquer the steepest downhill ever? DMBX is finally here and it will be the perfect fit! Choose and edit your individual character, find your bike or BMX to go along and let’s do it! Master the local challenges to unlock new tricks, new levels, bikes as well as characters and proof your skills against the very best players on the globe in a battle race.

  DMBX 2.6 – Mountain Bike and BMX este disponibil pentru download GRATUIT in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
DMBX 2.6 – Mountain Bike and BMX



Developer: randerline gmbh
Categoria: Games

Descriere: DMBX Mountain Bike and BMX continues featuring brand new Downhill, Slopestyle, Vert Ramp, Dirt-Pipe and Big Air levels, ghost and battle races, new bikes and individual characters from head-to-toe, replay options with video and picture export, completely…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 156.9 Mb

This post was last modified on iul. 10, 2014, 9:38 AM 09:38

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