Apple modifica functionalitatea Gatekeeper pentru OS X Yosemite, afectand functionalitatea unor aplicatii

  Impreuna cu OS X Yosemite beta 5, compania Apple a modificat si regulile privind semnarea aplicatiilor pentru platforma OS X, sistemul Gatekeeper blocand de acum rularea anumitor tipuri de aplicatii. Mai exact, de indata ce OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 si OS X Yosemite vor fi lansate, aplicatiile dezvoltate intr-o versiune a OS X mai veche decat 10.9 nu vor putea fi rulate de catre utilizatori in propriile Mac-uri.

  Sistemul Gatekeeper, cel care impiedica rularea de aplicatii nesemnate in OS X, va bloca posibilitatea de a deschide aceste aplicatii, ele fiind vazute ca neavand o semnatura valida. Apple

le cere dezvoltatorilor sa-si actualizeze aplicatiile dezvoltandu-le in OS X 10.9 si retrimitandu-le pentru publicare in Mac App Store, in caz contrar utilizaatorii vor avea probleme in a le folosi in propriile iDevice-uri.

  Partea buna a intregii probleme este ca Gatekeeper poate fi dezactivat oricand din System Preferences, iar aplicatiile pot fi oricum deschise ignorand sistemul utilizand click dreapta pe iconita aplicatiei si selectand optiunea Open. Acestea fiind spuse, daca in viitor veti avea aplicatii care vor refuza sa functioneze in OS X Yosemite sau OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 veti sti de ce.

With the release of OS X Mavericks 10.9.5, the way that OS X recognizes signed apps will change. Signatures created with OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5 or earlier (v1 signatures) will be obsoleted and Gatekeeper will no longer recognize them. Users may receive a Gatekeeper warning and will need to exempt your app to continue using it. To ensure your apps will run without warning on updated versions of OS X, they must be signed on OS X Mavericks 10.9 or later (v2 signatures).

If you build code with an older version of OS X, use OS X Mavericks 10.9 or later to sign your app and create v2 signatures using the codesign tool. Structure your bundle according to the signature evaluation requirements for OS X Mavericks 10.9 or later. Considerations include:

Signed code should only be placed in directories where the system expects to find signed code.
Resources should not be located in directories where the system expects to find signed code.
The –resource-rules flag and ResourceRules.plist are not supported.

Make sure your current and upcoming releases work properly with Gatekeeper by testing on OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 and OS X Yosemite 10.10 Developer Preview 5 or later. Apps signed with v2 signatures will work on older versions of OS X.

This post was last modified on aug. 5, 2014, 8:29 AM 08:29

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