Apple publica doua noi spoturi publicitare in campania Your Verse pentru iPad Air

  In cursul acestei seri compania Apple a publicat doua noi povesti in campania publicitara Your Verse dedicata promovarii modului in care iPad Air este utilizata cu succes in diverse locatii de pe glob. Prima dintre ele are in centru China si trupa Yaoband care prezinta modul in care utilizeaza ea o tableta iPad in deplasarile facute prin tara. Cei de la Yaoband se folosesc de tableta pentru a se distra, pentru a inregistra melodii, pentru a inregistra reprezentantiile live si multe, multe altele, totul folosind doar aplicatii ale App Store.

Inspired by the pulse of life in modern China, they started by capturing audio samples with iPad and turning them into progressive beats. Once they have a solid beat, Peter and Luke Wang jam iPad to iPad infree-form sessions. Peter uses the Music Studio app to lay down the melody and try different instrumentations, which can in turn influence Luke Wang’s sound. With a tight demo in hand, they bring in the other band members to contribute their parts, balancing electronica with traditional rock guitar, bass, and drums.

  Cea de-a doua poveste il are in centru pe Jason Hall

, co-fondatorul unei comunicati numite Slow Roll, ea avand rolul de a organiza evenimente de cliclism menite sa ajute locuitorii orasului Detroit sa descopere locatia intr-un mod complet inedit. Folosind diverse aplicatii pentru tabletele iPad, Hall reuseste sa organizeze evenimentele saptamanale, sa interactioneze cu utilizatorii care sunt prezenti in comunitate, si foarte multe altele, totul fara a lucra vreodata folosind vreun PC.

A lot of planning goes into each weekly ride. So Hall uses Penultimate to jot down ideas and sketch out routes to share with his team. “I like the ability to write stuff down on the screen — to communicate to my corkers and point out trouble spots,” he says. And once the Slow Roll ride is under way, Hall and his squad keep in contact using the Zello Walkie Talkie app on iPhone… Hall’s community-building message has caught the attention of local schools, where his talks have been a big hit with the students. To capture their interest, Hall uses Prezi on iPad to show off slides and photos wirelessly.

  Ambele povesti, impreuna cu doua clipuri video tematice, pot fi vizualizate in pagina speciala Your Verse disponibila in website-ul Apple.

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