Final Cut 2014 – cele mai bune filme ale 2014 (Video)

  Final Cut 2014 este o compilatie a celor mai bune filme ale 2014 realizata folosind aplicatia Final Cut dezvoltata de catre compania Apple. Daca nu ati avut timp vreodata sa urmariti tot ceea ce s-a lansat in cinematografe anul acesta, ei bine acum puteti vedea rapid tot ceea ce ati pierdut si tot ceea ce ati putea urmari in zilele urmatoare libere.

Another year has passed and it has been a memorable one folks. 2014 gave us many incredible films from every genre you can think of and I will once again honor the people behind them and their immense efforts by showcasing 330 films that released during the past year. I thank you all for watching and look forward to an even better 2015.

  Peste 300 de trailere pentru cele mai bune filme ale anului 2014 au fost combinate in clipul video de mai sus, iar acolo veti gasi cu siguranta aproape orice tip de film va place. Acestea fiind spuse, va urez vizionare placuta atat acum, cat si in cursul zilelor urmatoare cand probabil veti urmari filmele prezentate mai sus.

This post was last modified on dec. 23, 2014, 10:10 AM 10:10

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