Apple anunta aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii

  Este vineri si ca de obicei compania Apple a publicat in App Store aplicatia gratuita a saptamanii care este oferita fara plata timp de 7 zile pentru utilizatorii din lumea intreaga. Duet Game este aplicatia aleasa de catre compania Apple pentru a fi oferita gratuit in urmatoarele 7 zile pentru utilizatorii sai, jocul punandu-ne la incercare inteligenra si rabdarea. Gameplay-ul jocului care in centrul capacitatea noastra de a proteja doua vase care trebuie sa fie sincronizate unul cu celalalt pe intregul parcurs al jocului.

Enter a mesmerising trance of co-dependence in Duet. The rules are simple: control two vessels in sync, survive against all odds and keep calm. Your survival is dependent on protecting two vessels – they are devices in sync, a dance and song between two entities tethered together in symbiosis. Feel edge of your seat terror where the world around you becomes quiet and numb as all that matters is the game living between your palms — that is Duet.

  Conform dezvoltatorilor sai, Duet Game are actiunea concentrata pe 9 capitole, insa partea cea mai importanta a intregului titlu este soundtrack-ul conceput pentru noi. Conform dezvoltatorilor, artisti celebru au gandit muzica in baza careia va trebui sa controlam obiectele care sunt disponibile in joc, totul trebuind sa fie perfect sincronizat. In aceasta idee, va trebui sa aveti rabdarea necesara pentru a putea sincroniza totul in baza liniei melodice a tuturor sunetelor pe care la auzim, stilul de joc fiind unul mai mult decat complex.

Your survival is dependent on protecting two vessels – they are devices in sync, a dance and song between two entities tethered together in symbiosis. Feel edge of your seat terror where the world around you becomes quiet and numb as all that matters is the game living between your palms — that is Duet. Experience nine chapters of deceptive narrative and nerve-twisting gameplay. Unlock the bonus Survival chapter for endless score chasing delight. Replay any stage to perfect your movements and unlock over 25 Game Center achievements. This is a game that will test you.

  Duet Game este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA in format universal din App Store.

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